These days, I can't put down Mark Twain's book, The Diary of Adam and Eve. The witty language Mark Twain uses and the way Adam and Eve make their inner voices speak impresses me a lot. One of the things that caught my attention the most in the book is that Eve instinctively gives a name to every newly discovered thing and knows its function. Although men were thought to be more practical, founding, and influential people in the male-dominated order, perhaps, women have had a say in everything since our creation.

Photo by Calvin Craig on Unsplash
What Is More Powerful? Power Of Body Or Power Of Mind?
We live in a world where men always stand out for their physical strength. While we women advocate "equality". We often encounter the statement that, equality is not possible. We want equality in concepts such as rights, freedom, and justice. All concepts are related to mentality. No one is advocating that we will beat the men in arm wrestling or that we will go to the ring. If we want to be successful on the ring, of course, we will go to the ring and fight for the trophy. We have very successful female athletes, they have shown us that we can be equal to men physically every day. But let's talk about the general perception…
In this case, we want to achieve something with our minds, not with our bodies. When an act of violence occurs, it is not getting a physically punishment in return. It is the power of the mind that produces the punishment and puts it into practice.
So if a mind can bring you justice, why seek the real power in the concept of the body?
Compared to previous years, of course, there is a more free and egalitarian world for women. However, this still does not mean that the patriarchal order is over. As our rights increase, the problems we experience increases as well. Because the stronger the woman acts, the more it disturbs the patriarchy. The biggest reason why the agenda is now controlled by more women than in the past is the Gen-Z women.
Power Of Social Media On New World Order
Love it or hate it. Social media is the most powerful public opinion-making tool today. Gen-Z youth is being more knowledgeable, more cultured, and more liberal than in the past, thanks to social media. We have a whole human history at our fingertips. We get the chance to take a look at every event from past to present, via dozens of different source on internet.
The ease of accessing information strengthen us. As our minds gets stronger, we want to show this more in the real world. “We are here, we know and we want!”.
It has always been said that in the past, the women never caused any problems. They sat quietly at home and waited for their husbands. The reason for the increase in divorces recently is attributed to the emancipation and derailment of women. So is it really like this?
No. We live under the assurance that we do not have to endure anything anymore, that we are not the only woman in the world to experience this. We will always find a hand to count on to immediately reach us to help. With one tweet, we can achieve the help of thousands of people. We are not alone. All thanks to social media. The Gen-Z woman knows her rights, reads, researches, does not bow to anyone, and takes to the streets if necessary. Wherever you look in the world, you will see that women are stronger now. Because women now know that everywhere in the world, from Africa to Russia, from China to Arabia, someone is experiencing the same thing as us and everyone is ready to help each other.
So why should these women be content with just helping each other on social media?
Another very easy way to create public opinion and gather like-minded people under one roof is through politics. Of course, all of the things I mentioned above has linked to politics. Is there a single area in our life where there is no politics?

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
The Place Of The Gen-Z Woman In World Politics
In every country where women have the right to vote and are elected, women have stepped into politics. But how big a voice did these initiatives bring? We heard very loud voices. I am sure that no one will forget the legend of Angela Merkel or you've probably all come across Jacinda Ardern, the young and very successful prime minister of New Zealand. Unfortunately, when we look at the global arena, the male-dominated formation in the field of politics outweighs it. Of course, there are many reasons for this situation.
I think the most common situation is that a woman who gets into politics is not taken seriously by men and is subjected to very serious mobbing.
According to the “Women in Politics 2021” map data published by the United Nations Women (UN Women) and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), the proportion of women in government and head of state and women at the ministerial level reached an all-time high as of January 1, 2021. The proportion of women in ministerial positions worldwide reached 21.9%. However, this data also shows us that the number of countries with women's representation is decreasing! Yes, women get more seats in parliament, but where? Although the places where women's rights are developed, such as European countries and Scandinavian countries, show us that the number of women in the parliament has increased around the world, unfortunately, there are many countries that have gone backwards. Many countries have closed and dismissed women's rights representatives in their countries.
For all these reasons, we can see the fact that young women of Gen-Z stay away from politics. In my opinion, the concept of politics is divided into two different situations within Gen-Z. The first case is young people who are interested in politics, curious, and dreaming of changing the world’ patriarchal order. The second is the intimidated and repressed youth who choose to stay out of politics altogether. We can see that the rate of young people entering politics is higher in countries with a sharp right-left divide.
If we look at it from the perspective of Turkey, we can say that the Gen-Z is knowledgeable, angry, and determined about politics.
In particular, Gen-Z women play an active role politically in Women's Branch Organizations or Youth Organizations. However, it seems impossible to see women as deputies within the party formation, because we can say that politics in Turkey is dominated by men aged +40 year-old. So, can this formation be destroyed?
I would like to return to Mark Twain's Diary of Adam and Eve again. I believe that to ensure order in a society, men and women should be equally active (it would be wrong to say this only for women and men), because the benefit that each individual can contribute to society is different. The less diversity, the less this benefit… Just as only liberal influences appear in a society where only liberals are active, opinions in which only male thought prevail become widespread in a male-dominated society. For this reason, it is essential to get women to more important places. A changing and developing order is essential for every society. Also societies that stand still are bound to perish in the global arena. It is not possible to provide change and development with the current +40-year-old political people. For this reason, it should be placed in the consciousness of every individual that politics is not just "making politics", and, the idea that every area of our life is a some kind of political. In this way, young people should take their place in the parliament as individuals with policy-making skills in order to have a say over their own lives.

Photo by Monica Melton on Unsplash
I am sure that there will be many people who are angry with me for always focusing on bad things in this article, who think that I am wrong, and who want to come up with good examples. However, the point I want to make is this: The world is big. And we only know as much as we are shown. Every day we see news about good development in Norway, the women's resistance in France, or the excellent level of equality in Canada. However, the world is not limited to these countries. Unfortunately, while women in a minority can claim their rights and live according to their rights, in the rest of the world women are still sold, used as slaves, and forced into terrible things like female genital mutilation.
Contrary to what everyone knows, I wanted to shed light on the unknown, the unseen, and perhaps the undesirable to be seen. There may be good things happening somewhere, but that doesn't mean bad things don't happen somewhere. Our cause will not end unless every country and every geography determines an egalitarian, free, and human rights lifestyle for women's rights. I would like to share the promising data from research published jointly by UN Women and IPU;
Give the women of a society a chance for education, enable them to learn vocational qualifications and provide resources to women's formations. Then sit back and enjoy the new world order.
And don't forget this; The future is female!